November 6, 2010

Art Every Day - Six

Mom forgot to post a piece of artwork today, so I'm posting this one for her without her knowing, hopefully she won't be mad. She could either walk up to me tomorrow and say:

"[My name], thank you so much for saving me by posting that picture on my blog! It was beautiful and everyone absolutely loved it! I will now reward you with a delightful trip to the ice cream shop!"


"[My name]! What were you doing on my blog?! You had no right to go on it and post things that I did not approve of! I will now punish you by dragging you through an hour-long trip to Joann's where I will wander down each-and-every isle for at least seven minutes."

I'm really hoping it'll be the former.

Anyway, this is a hummingbird that flew in our house one time. Logically, like any other decent person, I grabbed the camera instead of the butterfly net. When people ask me what I've titled this picture I tell them it's called Eager for Freedom, because we all long for freedom in at least one form or another.
...Plus it makes me sound deep and emotional, when in fact I think of myself as quite boring and shallow.

-The Author's Son
(P.S. You're welcome Mom.)


Tracy said...

This is a beautiful photo. I would hope she would pick the 1st, but I will go on the 2nd choice with her ;)

gm glimmerglass said...

Dear "[Your name],
thank you so much for saving me by posting that picture on my blog! It was beautiful and everyone - (ok, just Tracy so far,) absolutely loved it! I will now reward you with CHANGING MY BLOG PASSWORD.

As for a delightful trip to the ice cream shop - that's a bit far (25 miles to the closest ice cream - so - no. Nice try, though.

You freaked me out by posting for me, Mr. and
FYI - isle is spelled aisle in the grocery store.

You are however, by no means boring and shallow. Nu-uh - never a dull moment.

Love, Mom

P.S. I see a trip to Joann Crafts in your future - tomorrow after school!

Your Inner Magpie said...

This is a lovely photo, and a lovely post - good work J! I had to laugh when I read about grabbing the camera instead of the net, I would've done the same thing! To thank you for being so thoughtful, I will save you from having to go with your mother to JoAnn - I will gladly go with her instead!!! xoxox C

ms_mims said...

Hi Ms Glimmerglass~ touche' to the monsieur and yes it's a lovely little glimmer on that windowsill. Hope you're both well! [trip to Joann Crafts? Ok! ;) ~mlgh